Changing of the Seasons Our Minds and Our Diet
You can feel it happening already, nights drawing in, mornings and evenings getting a little cooler, we all know as we get near to the end of August that this will happen... it always does. The way we accept this of course depends on our way of thinking, we can think in a negative way and get down as the end of the summer draws ever closer, or we can think in a positive way and embrace this change, cosy evenings in front of the fire, curtains closed again, covering yourself with your favourite throw, lighting some candles... sounds lovely to me!
Autumn and Winter can make some people start to feel very down, worse still depressed some of us also suffer from SAD as the sunlight starts to disappear.
We can start eating for comfort as we feel down, we usually choose foods with a high sugar content like chocolate, biscuits and cakes to give us that quick feel good factor, or fatty foods like chips, crisps basically junk foods, these foods taste very comforting, but have no real nutritional value, anyone who has got into this trap knows, you find you quickly become addicted, pile on the pounds, being overweight can bring on health problems; depression heart disease, joint problems and type 2 diabetes.
There is a way to eat very healthy foods still get that feel good factor and survive the Winter with out falling into this trap. I am running a workshop Eating the Yogic way on the 29th of October this on its own or better still combined with Yoga can get you through the winter feeling vibrant, happy, positive, content with life and trim your waistline too!